American Revolution | Key Facts | Britannica (2025)

The American Revolution (1775–83), also called the United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, was a war in which 13 of Great Britain’s North American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America.

The conflict started as a civil war within the British Empire until early 1778 when France joined the war in support of the colonists. Spain joined on the side of the colonies in 1779. The Netherlands provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support.

The colonial forces were made up of the Continental Army (231,771 soldiers) and state militias (164,087), but American forces rarely numbered more than 20,000 at any one time.

The British army numbered about 42,000 soldiers. The British government purchased the services of about 30,000 troops from various German princes. These hired soldiers were called Hessians. The British also received significant assistance from loyalists—American colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain during the war—and from various Native American tribes.

Numerous taxes, such as the Sugar Act (1764), Stamp Act (1765) and the Townshend Acts (1767), had been enforced on the colonists by Britain and were intended to raise money for the British crown. Benjamin Franklin argued in Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act. He later was instrumental in getting military aid from France and helped draft the Declaration of Independence.

King George III sent British troops to the colony of Massachusetts to quell protests and disobedience there. On March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired into a crowd in Boston and killed several Americans, an event known as the Boston Massacre.

In response to the Boston Tea Party, British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts in an effort to threaten Massachusetts and isolate it from the other colonies. Instead, the colonists united and formed a Continental Congress in 1774.

The First Continental Congress, a group of delegates who spoke for the colonial states, adopted a declaration of personal rights. The Congress included George Washington, Patrick Henry, and John and Samuel Adams.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775) marked the beginning of the American Revolution. In Lexington, officers on both sides ordered their men to hold their positions and not to fire their weapons. It’s unclear who fired “the shot heard ’round the world.” By the end of both battles, the number killed and wounded totaled 273 British and 95 Americans.

The first major battle of the war, the Battle of Bunker Hill, was fought June 17, 1775, primarily on Breed’s Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Although the British won, the hard-fought battle proved that the colonists could stand up against the British Empire.

During the first years of the war Benedict Arnold was a respected American general who led several successful battles for the patriot cause. He later switched allegiances to the British, and his name since then became synonymous with the word traitor.

The Second Continental Congress met in 1775 and formed the Continental Army. It appointed George Washington commander in chief of the newly formed army. New members of the Congress included Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

On July 2, 1776, the Congress, with New York abstaining, unanimously resolved “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.” Two days later it approved the Declaration of Independence.

Washington and his troops won a series of engagements at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton (1776–77) against Hessian and British forces in New Jersey. Spanning nine days, the battles were the first notable successes won by Washington.

The 1777 Battles of Saratoga are considered a turning point in the war. After General John Burgoyne surrendered to colonial troops in October, the American victory persuaded the French, who had been secretly furnishing financial and material aid to the colonists since 1776, to formally join the war in 1778.

Key European soldiers, including the marquis de Lafayette of France, Baron (Friedrich) von Steuben of Germany, and Kazimierz Pułaski of Poland, joined the Continental Army and proved instrumental in the fight for American independence.

Women also played a critical role in the war. Mary Ludwig Hays McCauly (“Molly Pitcher”), carried water to cool both the cannons and the exhausted American soldiers at the Battle of Monmouth. When her husband was wounded, she took over his post at the cannon. In 1777 Sybil Ludington rode more than 40 miles (64 kilometers) in one night to warn forces of a British attack. Deborah Sampson served for more than a year (1782–83) in the Continental Army while disguised as a man.

In 1775 the Continental Congress authorized the creation of the Continental Navy and established the Marine Corps. The war at sea in its later stages was fought mainly between Britain and the American colonies’ European allies.

The last major battle of the war was the defeat of British General Charles Cornwallis at the siege of Yorktown in Virginia, virtually ending military campaigns in the American Revolution.

The Articles of Confederation defined the new government of the United States and became the first U.S. constitution in March 1781.

The war ended in 1783, and the United States of America was officially recognized as an independent country.

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American Revolution | Key Facts | Britannica (2025)
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