Aug 3, 2017
TheFallen Times
For 1200 years the Homlish Empire stretched from the Raider'sStrait in the North West to the Quiet Sea in the East. Fully halfof the world lay under the control of first the senators and laterthe Emperor-Generals. The might of Homlan was unquestioned, itseemed as though the gods had ordained that they rule theworld.
This manifest destiny made the Homlish arrogant. Theirs was thegreatest civilization ever known. Their science, art, and militarywere greater than everything encountered. If it was not thegreatest culture then it surely would have halted. Theirs was thehistory that mattered. Theirs was the art that held beauty. Theirswas the science that showed promise. Thus was their downfallborn.
The few decided for the many that all cultures should becomeone. It began slowly, with the re-education of the children ofconquered peoples. Fashion was influenced through the nobility.Patrons were... convinced to patronize only artists that worked inthe Homlish styles. Slowly the vassal states and colonies began tochange, to become more homogeneous.
The elves, dwarves, drakes, and mummies watched as humanityrapidly began to lose its individuality over 800 years and becomemore like them. Some thought it good, that they would be lessdisruptive and tamer. Others thought it was a sign of the slowdeath of beauty and imagination that seemed to plague the world. Tothe short lived eyes of humans though, it was going much tooslowly.
The Homlish Inquisition was born of brutality. The HomlishLegion was ordered by the senate to expedite the transformation ofhumanity. They were to find the wise men, the conservatives, theoutspoken, and silence them. A cudgel was sent to do the job oldage would have accomplished quietly.
The first executions happened publicly in the colonies, but asboys watched their grandfathers murdered, and men watched theirsons struck down they began to all speak out. The Inquisition hadto become more cunning, using stealth and guile to find thenon-conformists. Before a full blown rebellion occurred, wordreached the senate in far off Homlan and they realized theirmistake. They sent their fastest messengers to retrieve thegenerals and their legions.
After receiving the messengers from the senate they paused theexecutions and observed what had happened. Yes, the natives wererather upset, but it was obvious in their faces, fashions, and artthat Homlish culture was becoming their own. Thus with the mistakenidea that the cudgel was responsible for the work of old age, theydecided that the senate lacked the will to finish the deed. Thegenerals had received word that they were to stop their madslaughter and return to Homlan to explain the actions of their men.So they brought their men with them.
The coup was fast and bloody as all successful coups are. Mostof the senators were killed in Republic Hall, the centre ofHomlan's government. The few that escaped and their supporters wereexposed and executed swiftly by the Inquisition. The decisivenessthat had been turned on the Republic would be used to forge theEmpire. However, the transition must first be solidified.
The rebellious generals selected their leader, William VictorFrederick, to become Emperor-General for life. As William Iestablished his rule in Homlan, his son, William II, ensured theempire's stability in the vassal countries of Famiglia Isole,Aadeem Badiya, and Long Plains. When Victor I took his father'splace at the head of the empire he decided that it was time tofinish the job which his grandfather had begun. Not trulyunderstanding the nature of running an empire nor an army,Emperor-General Victor I set to a task he didn't comprehend.
His reign is poorly remembered and he was the lastEmperor-General of William's line. A distant cousin was put uponthe throne and became the puppet of the generals. They understoodhow to manage an army, but not statecraft. The empire continued itsdecline while maintaining its size, its resources stretched thin.The Puppet Emperor's son, Garland II, regained control of thethrone and, having grown up during his father's reign, he began thelong task of mending the empire.
He was very successful and were it not for his own son, theempire might have survived its crisis state. Like the impatientsenators and rebellious generals Emperor-General Garland III couldnot see the changes that were happening. He looked upon the historyof the first purge and found that it was usually the religiousfigures that the people rallied around in defense of their culture.If they were removed it would greatly accelerate the unification ofhumanity.
This plan made Garland III consider Homlan itself. He watched asthe priests of Homlan's gods took credit for the hard work offarmers, scholars, and soldiers. Once more the Inquisition wasturned loose upon the populace of Homlan.
Though impatient he was not a fool nor uncharismatic. Priests ofall gods began disappearing, while the Emperor-General began tosubtly erode their power base. It did not take long for religion tobecome unpopular amongst the aristocracy. Shortly thereafter theypleaded with Garland III to permanently remove this pox from theirhomeland and the Emperor-General complied. Religion was madeillegal, churches crumbled, all religious texts were burned, andclergy were murdered in the streets. The Inquisition found out andcleaned up those who managed to hide.
Famiglia Isole was next, but the islands had always preferredacademia and science to religion, so it was only the mariners thatresisted and they did so with little enthusiasm. Knowing what wascoming, the priests of Aadeem Badiya redefined themselves asscholars and historians of the supernatural. When the Inquisitionand Legion arrived to root out religion, to their surprise theyfound a situation much like they had in the islands. They moved on,but for fear of lurking inquisitors the priests retained andeventually became their disguises in truth. So the aged Garland IIIturned his eyes towards the colonies.
Vertlieu would be the first to be purged because its people werenot nomads like the peoples of The Flats, Long Plains, and SavagePlains, nor were they difficult to root out like the Wildlings ofthe Tree's Teeth Mountains. Their shrines would be easily found,and their gods destroyed. Fate had a different decree.
For years Garland III had ignored the work of his father,pursuing his crusade instead of tending to his people. Plagueravaged the populace and he did not notice unless it broughtwhispers of godly wrath. Crops failed and he did not notice unlessa priest blamed it on his blasphemy. Sailors went unpaid and he didnot notice unless they spoke of storms sent by the furiousgods.
When the Legion entered Vertlieu they went in too few and withtoo little resources. The Inquisition did its part, but itsattention was split between there and problems back in Homlan. Thenthe Seven appeared. The Seven resisted the manhandling of theHomlish and inspired the Vertlieuans to do the same. A full blownrebellion erupted and after much fighting the Homlish Empire wasthrown out of Vertlieu which was renamed Terre Des Sept in honourof the Seven Saints.
Meanwhile a scholar in Aadeem Badiya began to suggest quietlythat perhaps it was time to cut ties with the empire. Saladin, ashe was called, convinced the native nobility that they would bebetter off without having to bow to Homlan. He spoke peacefully,and he spoke gently, and with time the nobility conceded to hishonour and logic. This the Inquisition could not condone. Saladinwas assassinated, but the assassin was tied to Homlan. The peacefulscholar became a martyr. Some wished to wage war on the empire forthis act, but calmer minds realized this was not what Saladin wouldhave wanted. The vassal state declared its independence and renameditself Atfaal Min Saladin. Homlan would have responded with force,but the Legion was split dealing with the Seven in Vertlieu, andthe mutiny of the Homlish Navy.
Figuring that the Navy was less important for destroyingreligion than the Legion, Garland III had repeatedly delayed andreduced the pay of the sailors and captains. With the rebellion ofVertlieu this situation reached an all time low when some shipswere given stores of food that were moldy before they were sent toout to sea. The captains would not stand for this and they declaredtheir ships independent from the empire. Seeing an opportunity thewealthy traders of the Famiglia Isole offered the sailors a safeharbour AND pay if they would protect their assets. Fearing theloss of their closest vassal state, Garland sent the Legion torecapture the islands. The Navy stopped the too few legionnairesand pushed them back onto the mainland. In turns each major islandcity declared its independence from Homlan. They then tenuouslyjoined together, out of fear of each other's economically motivatedpredations, forming the Stati Uniti Citta.
Forced out of their two vassal states and their most productivecolony, the Homlish Empire was in retreat. The Legion was pulledback closer to Homlan's borders, and within it to keep order asrumours of revolt spread. This collapse both broke Garland III, andbroke him out of his mad focus. Without passion he went about thebusiness of fixing his empire. The Tree's Teeth Mountains and Flatswere abandoned, while the Long Plains and Savage Plains were almostentirely emptied of their Homlish representatives. Garland IIIspent the rest of his life stabilizing the empire. He succeeded andleft his son, Kale I, a nation barely clinging to life.
There is stability, but little growth, and this is the case inmuch of the world. The zealotry and war in the past has resulted inthe destruction of much infrastructure and knowledge on all sides.The balance of power remains unsure despite 50 years for it tosettle. It has been further complicated by rumours of the spread ofthe undead in a previously fertile part of the world. The empirehas fallen and it threatens to drag down the rest of the world withit. These are the Fallen Times.
There are many strange creatures that wanderthe world. Eagles the size of horses that are said to feast on theflesh of children. Horned lizards that can crash through a house asthough it were no more than a bundle of twigs. Shadows that canrend and tear flesh as well as any great cat. The creatures of thewild and nightmare are many, but these are the creatures ofcivilization and reason.
There are no creatures that walk the world quite like humans.Most follow their instincts and band together to defend themselves.Most find their brothers and sisters agreeable. Most enjoy whatthey have. Humans do not.
There is no species as fractious, divided, and ambitious ashumans. Even the orc tribes are more united in their cold fury thanhumans are in their burning passion. This is both their strengthand their weakness. They push ever farther in all things they do,standing upon those before them and those below them. They enslavetheir own kind and eat from their captive's sweat. Yet they haveachieved great things. An empire that spanned over half of theworld. A wall that blocks off an entire nation. A powder thatexplodes with irresistible force when lit. Humanity has visitedmany horrors and wonders upon the world.
Humans have spread to cover most of the world, from the frozenforests of Nordhem to the burning sands of Badikhayat. They areincredibly varied in their abilities, some more so than others. Inthe land of Terre Des Sept there are people with the blood of theirsaints. These Saintborn are unusually graceful and charismatic. InKatei there are rumours that the children of woman and shadow runrampant in the night. These Shadowspawn can see perfectly at nightand appear out of nowhere. Spread throughout the lands are alsothose who appear to be cousins to the drakes. These Dragonmen havescales covering their body and are naturally adept at magic. Eventhe more “mundane” humans are incredibly varied being in turnsmighty, nimble, or brilliant. Only their own hubris can limit theirpotential.
The elves are creatures of old.They were born before humans, before dwarves, even before gender.For millenia they stood united in their forest kingdom Mahndor(translates as Pure Land), enjoying the wonders they found innature and those they built with their hands. Though as time woreon, their interest waned. They had seen all the grand gesturesconceivable or knew that they had been accomplished.
Their art quieted, and theirmajesty turned into subtlety. Their entertainment became so nuancedthat noticing and creating the slight differences was the mark ofskill. They no longer laughed, only smirked at the ignorance oftheir peers that missed the joke,
It was not until the spread ofhumanity that the elves found something interesting. Here was aspecies of naive, impatient, short lived creatures. The firstencountered admired the elves and wished to live as long as theydid. These firstmen used powerful magics to preserve their body ina form that was less than appealing to the eye, but they lived aslong as the elves. Perhaps humans were not as naive as initiallythought.
Then more followed, andmore after them. There seemed to be a never ending stream of thesegrunting, toiling, split sexed beasts. The elves saw danger andopportunity. If the humans were allowed to continue as they didthey could very well destroy the elves inadvertently. So the elvesbegan collecting the humans and putting them to work. The firstmenbegan emulating the elves and they too trained humans for labour. Afew elves were disgusted at both the elves and the firstmen, but itwas not slavery. Slavery is a system under whichpeopleare bought and sold as property; thesewere humans.
This wardedoff the humans for a time, they no longer sought to enter elvenlands. The solution ended up causing an even larger problem. Humansbecame a new form of prestige, their number, quality, uniqueness.Then what you could train a human to do, dance, kill, mate. Likeall of elven culture the ostentatious was performed, approved, andforgotten for subtler nuances. Then something new was born of thisgame.
Goblins wereborn to human and elven mothers alike. It was found that thepairing of elves and humans resulted in the birth of a short uglycreature of unexpected strength. Though there were often twins. Thegoblin population was born and then bloomed at a dizzying speed.That's when a cadre of elven wizards noted that soon elves would bethe minority.
This group ofwizards were mages specializing in flesh magic. They resolved tocome up with a solution to solve the population problem. First theyattempted to convince goblin and human owners to release theiranimals. It became yet another subtle round of one-upmanship, andhundreds were released, but that game soon became old hat. Theythen persuaded the nobles to find disdain in coupling with humans.Both of these slowed the population growth of the slaves, butsomething more extreme would need to be done to solve theissue.
While somepoliticked to save elven superiority, the other flesh mages pliedtheir trade to find a solution. They focused their efforts on thewombs of elves, humans, and goblins, altering the unborn goblinbabies, their goal to make them elves. There never was a success.Instead the mages became more and more obsessed with experimentingon flesh, eventually even their own.
This camecrashing to a climax when the leader of the flesh mages, CylthusWillowsworn, accidentally created a plague that infected humans andtransformed them into terrifying beasts of pure muscle. Thesebeasts rampaged across Mahndor killing dozens of elves and hundredsof humans and goblins. The plague was stopped once all theabominations were killed, and the humans magically purged.
OligarchCasari Suncrow, the ruler of Mahndor and all elves, declared thatthose responsible for the tragic death of dozens of elves must beexiled, and the means of the deaths extinguished. With that decreethe notes and spellbooks of the flesh mages were put to the torcheven as they, their followers, their slaves, and their familieswere thrown out of Mahndor. The elves of Mahndor began to callthemselves High Elves to differentiate themselves from the exiled.Owning humans and goblins was made illegal, and they were allforced out of Mahndor and into Badikhayat or Lagartija Selvarespectively.
The fleshmages and their followers took ships North to the islandssurrounding Mahndor and renamed them Gurthesteltol (translates asDeath Hope Islands). There they fractured and followed their owninterests, communities of slaves and elves forming around theirmagical laboratories. They became known as Warped Elves because allof them had been experimented on in some fashion, the most commonbeing the ability to see in complete darkness.
To aid intheir experiments some human slaves were taught flesh magic.However this backfired when the slaves eventually rebelled, usingtheir masters' magic against them. Though many slaves were killed,the majority escaped the islands and fled far away to a peninsulawhere they formed the nation of Zi You. Despite this they continueto buy slaves from Badikhayat.
The noblefamilies of the Warped were ashamed of what the mages had done andso they fled West claiming innocence. The Innocent Elves spreadthroughout the lands outside Mahndor doing what they could tosurvive. Many felt that they were entitled to what the “lesserpeople” pulled from the earth. They became known as Robber Elves,though they maintain their innocence. Many of them live in thewoods that dot the landscape. They have become quite proficient atcovert actions, being known for their ambushes and burglary. Manymerchants have had their caravans suddenly surrounded by armedElves who take their wealth, and sometimes their companions. Thecaptives are then sold to the slavers of Badikhayat. This behaviourgives elves a bad name, and makes the lives of more integratedelves quite difficult.
City Elves,as they choose to distinguish themselves from the other“Innocents,” are found as minorities in many cities and towns.Rather than sticking to their aloof natures, they swallowed theirpride and became artisans, farmers, and guards. Some make a littleheadway towards gaining the respect of non-elves, but then anotherstory of elven slavers will roll in with a devastated caravan andthe goodwill vanishes.
Alongside theInnocent Elves, goblins spread across the land. Being forced intoLagartija Selva was an execution for most. They either died fromthe natural dangers of the jungle, or at the hands of the ColdBlooded residents. Over the course of decades they made it throughthe jungle, and into the dwarven mountains, Eshimcubor. Here theywere once again seen as invaders and they waged an accidental waragainst the dwarves.
Finallybreaking into the foothills of the Savage Plains the goblinsremaining were hardened survivors. Most had never known Mahndor northe relative peace of slavery. They were a people of brutal cunningbent on finding a home. Then they encountered the orcs of theplains.
Expecting abattle, the goblins once more raised their weapons. The orcs theyencountered, however, were Homlish slaves and had no fight in them.Recognizing the same oppression that their forefathers faced, thegoblins set to the task of freeing the orcs, and finding a home inthe process.
Somethingthat often confounds the other species (except Rootwalkers who aresexless) is the ambiguous sex of elves and goblins. Their sharpfacial features seem both feminine and masculine, while their bodyshapes do not conform strongly to either sex. The reason for this,and not many people know it, is that elves are intersexed. Theybear the genitalia and gonads of both males and females. They canimpregnate or become pregnant at any time. This often causes socialfaux pas when a non-elf uses a gendered descriptor for an elf.Occasionally they are even lead into the embarrassment by the elfwho then feigns insult, while all elves present enjoy the insidejoke.
While goblinsshare this physical characteristic their features almost seemsatirical. Where elves are tall and lithe, goblins are short andwiry. Both have well defined facial features, but goblins noses,mouths, and pointed ears all look too big for their heads. Elveshave clear pale skin (though warped elves skin is a pale grey),where as goblins are a mottled greenish brown.
The people of Eshimcubor are a strange people. They toilconstantly and steadily in their mines and forges making all mannerof metalworks. They keep to themselves in their underground holdsand avoid non-dwarves as much as possible. They say little and aregruff or brusque. Yet they are incredibly passionate. A non-dwarfthat can find their way into the respect of a dwarf has a friendand ally they can rely on for anything.
Getting in is incredibly difficult though. Mountain Dwarves arelong lived and stubborn. They watch as one culture appears and thendisappears, while they remain. They have little patience to try andunderstand non-dwarves knowing that their culture will soon begone. Even invaders are hard pressed to move them, because theyknow that the invaders shall pass, while the dwarves remain. And sothey remain steeped in tradition.
There are a few dwarves willing to learn the ways of outsiders.These Hill Dwarves live closer to the surface or even have towns inthe sun, the largest being Nish. They trade with whoever theirneighbours may be, a dwarven hold, a human town, or an orc tribe.To accommodate this trade they do their best to be more welcomingand try to take interest in other cultures.
Dwarves are short stocky folk being 4 to 5 feet tall, butweighing around 180 pounds. Their muscles and bones are incrediblydense making them extremely hardy. They have dark thick coarse hairon their scalps and faces. Their body hair is much the same andcovers their reddish brown skin that resembles the colour of clay.Their facial features are powerful and hard, often with bulbousnoses and heavy brows.
The cold blooded, or saurians as they are more commonly known,are a species of bipedal reptiles. They are varied in theirabilities though almost all of them are quite nimble. Being coldblooded a warmer climate is what suits them best, but many havemoved beyond their original homeland of Lagartija Selva. Thoughthey have adapted well to the cultures of other peoples some oftheir traditions linger.
They have been known to eat the flesh of worthy warriors killedin battle so that they might gain the magic remaining in theirflesh. This is a great honour for the eaten, and some dyingwarriors have asked their slayer to consume them so they might liveon. This occurs even in non-warrior sections of the culture wherefamily members will eat their dead, or offer them to a superior asa gift of flesh.
Traditionally eggs are laid in clutches at unmarked sites andthen abandoned. The young must fend for themselves and make theirway to a settlement which is usually not too far from the birthsite. As they rarely discover the identity of their parents, eachmust take a name of their own in whatever method suits them thoughusually it is based on deed or named after someone admired. Whenthey reach a settlement the young are then allowed to pursue anycareer they are interested in if they can find a mentor. Outside oftheir homeland of Lagartija Selva clutches are guarded by parents,or more commonly, communally by the entire saurian community in asemi-public place.
There are four kinds of saurian: lizard-folk, gecks, gators, anddrakebloods. All have wide reptilian heads with broad set eyes andlarge mouths. Lizard-folk are the most common being around 6 feettall and weighing about 180 pounds. They have lean muscled framesthat are whip quick. Their scales are generally a pale brown greenthough they can vary wildly from oranges to blues.
Gecks are more lithe than most Cold Blooded and are excellentclimbers. They can change their colours to match their surroundingsmaking them excellent guerrilla fighters, though normally they area bright green. They usually are between 5 and 5.5 feet tall,weighing about 130 pounds.
Gators are hunched, stocky swimmers with thick scales andpowerful jaws. Their scales are a very dark green that can lookbrown or even black. Standing tall they are often around 7 feettall, but their hunched forms make them look more like 6 feet.Their stocky frames make them average about 300 pounds.
Drakebloods also have thick scales, but are more known for theirknack with magic, though some can breathe fire. The scales theywear are usually a dark red, though it is often influenced by thetype of cold blooded that they come from. Geck drakebloods may havea muddy green colour with accents of red, while gator drakebloodsare often brown with a reddish tinge around their mouths andunderbelly. Like their scales, their height and weight depends upontheir cold blooded heritage, though they are usually slightlytaller than their forefather's type.
In the land of Badikhayat the nobility are eternal. Inspired bythe long lives of the elves, the aristocracy sought a way to beforever kings. With a little help from elven flesh mages, the bloodpriests of Badikhayat were able to devise a ritual that would allowa person to live forever. However, their bodies must first die andbe reborn in the blood of one hundred lifetimes. It leaves the bodyunusually dry and gives them a desiccated appearance but also makesthem vulnerable to fire . All bodily functions cease. There is noneed to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep though they do not healnaturally. They also seem to lose some of their humanvulnerability, no longer being able to become fatigued, frightened,or enraged. This makes them unnerving to behold for many.
The ritual is very costly, spiritually, physically, andfinancially, so only a few people can become noble unborn. Once intheir life, each noble is allowed to elect one freeman to be raisedinto nobility (and mummification). This makes it a very importantdecision. Most freemen elected are extremely skilled, and almostalways wealthy. They choose when they die and gain theirimmortality. Since many die young to retain their looks andstrength, heirs and nobility are chosen rather than being based onbloodline. However, those who are born to nobility are still morelikely to become nobles.
For protection and sometimes companionship in their long lives,many nobles commission the creation of a guardian. Sculpted fromstone and given life through magic, guardians are sturdy and loyalto the end. They follow the orders of their masters without fault,though sometimes they can be overly literal or naive. Sometimestheir noble masters become bored of their utter subservience anddismiss them giving them free will in the process. These guardiansmust find their own way in the world and pursue what intereststhem.
The people of the Savage Plainshave a very long history passed down from each tribe's storytellerto their apprentice. Which of these are true history, moralityfables, legends, or some combination of the three is difficult todiscern. The story that seems to be the strongest in the orc tribesis that of the Warlord's Grave.
There are ruins in the SavagePlains desert that an ancient orc warlord supposedly forged anempire from. The empire was evil, slaughtering thousands for thesake of murder and no more. What happened to the empire and itswarlord differs from tribe to tribe. Some storytellers say the godsstruck down the warlord. Others believe that it was heroes from faroff lands who destroyed him. Then there are those that believe thewarlord tore down the empire out of hate for his own people thatallowed him to commit such vile acts unquestioned. What they allagree on, though, is that the people of his nation were cursed tobe as oppressed as the ones they enslaved, and as deformed as thenation they built. The curse lasting until they could forgesomething as good as the empire was evil. After the empire fell thepeople split into tribes that wandered the plains seekingsomething, but not knowing what.
An unknown number of years later,a new threat arose from Warlord's Grave. A powerful necromancersent out an army of the undead to conquer the Savage Plains. One byone the orc tribes were forced from their homeland and into AadeemBadiya. Pursued by the undead they made their way through thedesert kingdom doing whatever they could to survive. The Badiyanswere caught unprepared and fled before the invading horde. Theyfought the orcs as best they could, but there were far too many ofthe plains people.
Emissaries were sent ahead toseek out allies. They found them in the form of the HomlishRepublic. A line was drawn at a river just North of the SouthernHomlish Mountains, the orc savages would not pass. There was agreat battle as the orc tribes united to force their way across theriver, but they were thrown back. During a lull in the battle, theorc chieftains realized that now that they were united they couldmost likely retake their homeland. When night fell on the battle,the orcs slunk away and began the long journey home.
The reached the Savage Plains andfound it overrun with the undead. Freshly organized, and veteransof an inadvertent invasion the orcs entered battle with the undead.They fought their way to the mostly rebuilt ruins of Warlord'sGrave and laid siege to the necromancer's castle. After a hardfought battle, the castle was breached and the necromancer slain atsome point in the chaos.
Exhausted from the battle, andfull of hope at their people's new found unity, the orcs began thetask of clearing their land of corpses. Unfortunately the HomlishRepublic Legion with newly inducted Badiyans chose that moment tolaunch their attack. They swiftly defeated the tired orcs, gettingrevenge for the invasion of Aadeem Badiya.
The Homlish generals saw a landthat was full of opportunity, and a people too savage to dispose oftheir dead that littered the plains. The savages had no unifiedgovernment, no industry, and no cities. Truly these subhumancreatures would benefit from the guiding hand of the Republic.
Orcs average at just over 6 feetin height and weigh about 200 pounds. Their bodies are corded withtough muscle whether they are lean or thick. They have pointedteeth most noticeable with the pair of short tusks that jut fromtheir lower jaw. Their skin is a greenish brown the colour of driedgrass, while their hair is thin and black. Their ears are long andend in points. They have flat features with noses that are so flatas to be porcine.
The elves like to think that theyare the oldest people of the world, but the rootwalkers livequietly and humbly. They share their forest with the elves whorespect their kin. It was only with the spread of humanity that therootwalkers became concerned.
The humans spread across theworld, conquering nature and yoking it to their will. Some humanssaw the rootwalkers, the wargs, the giant eagles, and the otherpeoples of the forest and paid them respect. They left the woodsalone out of fear or admiration. Others ignored them and the signsof habitation. They cleared huge swathes of forest in mere decades,depriving the forest people of their homes.
The wargs, being an impatient andaggressive people, wished to strike from the forest and wipe outthe human settlements. The sidhe saw new players that they coulduse to act out their stories, and wanted to capture the humans. Theeagles did not mind humans as their livestock made easy prey, butwere less than enthused by archers. In the end it was therootwalkers who the forest people listened to, deciding to considerthe problem of humanity.
Rootwalkers take a very long viewof life, living as long as they do, so their contemplation ofhumanity took centuries. In that time wargs wiped out villages,sidhe captured families for their tales, and eagles feasted uponmuch cattle, but there was no unified assault. Finally therootwalkers decided that humanity must be made aware of thepresence of the forest people, and this message was passed along toall the forests, jungles, and swamps of the world.
Being the most patient andunderstanding, the rootwalkers were elected to be the diplomats ofthe forest. Carefully and patiently they approached the humansettlements. Recently freed from the Homlish Empire many humanswere willing to listen, while others were afraid of more and lesshuman conquerors. Irregardless of human anxieties, the rootwalkerscontinue to seek compromise with their human neighbours whileplacating their forest brethren.
Rootwalkers are usually around 15feet tall and weigh around 1 ton. Most have four branch arms andtwo branch legs, but there are also those that have more limbs.Their skin is bark and their “hair” is a collection of narrowbranches. Despite their size they tend to have soft voices thathave a whispering quality to them even when they shout. Other thanthese traits rootwalkers vary greatly in appearance, usuallydepending upon where they are from. Those from temperate regionshave a profusion of leaves sprouting from the tops of their headsin summer, while they are bare in winter. Desert rootwalker havebroad fronds in the place of leaves, while rootwalkers from Nordhemhave waxy needles.
The free people of Saoradh are known for their strength,endurance, size and appetites. Ogres love food and have a cultureof being gourmands. They especially love Halfling food which is whythey don't try conquering the much smaller folk. This love of foodhas even made ogres and halflings traditionally allies in times ofneed and it's not unusual to see halflings and ogres enjoying eachother's company.
Most ogres live in family groups centred around the family farm.They tend their mountainside fields and livestock with little carefor the outside world. Some ogres, however, gain a wanderlust orseek tools that their simple subsistence farming cannot offer.These ogres often put their size and strength to work for merchantcaravans that pass through Saoradh. This can take them all over theworld, to the Merchant's Sea as pirates, Terre Des Sept as dockworkers, or Katei as farmers. Many of these ogres settle wheretheir work is and so it is no unusual to see an ogre in a majorcity.
Unfortunately some that go to Katei, voluntarily or otherwise,fall prey to ambitious Candle Keepers. These captive ogres are thenmated with Shadows or shadowspawn to produce the magically inclinedohni. These ohni have the strength and resilience of ogres, butalso possess minor shape shifting abilities and particular cunning,all of which make them very useful agents for the Candle Keeper andtheir House.
Ogres are incredibly thick set, with barrel chests, broadshoulders, and bulging biceps. Despite many having bulgingstomachs, very few take ogres for fat, and those that do oftenregret the insinuation. They stand at about 9 feet tall and weigharound 500 pounds. They have sun darkened skin the colour of theearth so many toil in. Their hair is thin and wispy usually wornlong and unkempt, or shaved to the pate. They have little body hairwhich shows off the plethora of scars that many ogres have. Roundedand almost soft would be how many would describe the faces ofogres. They have wide jaws, bulbous noises, and large flatteeth.
Ohni have rather different appearances. While keeping the sameheight, ohni are less heavy set with more balanced proportions.They have dark red skin the colour of a sunset seen through smoke.Many have two horns protruding upward from their forehead which canbe between 1 and 5 inches long. Their hair is thick and dark, oftenwith a wild look to it even when pulled into a tight hairstyle.Their faces are sharp, with pert noses and pointed ears.
The small folk from Loisdin are afriendly lot. They tend their farms happily, sell their waresenthusiastically, and ply the Green Strait with glee. Even whenthey encounter trouble, their quickness is usually enough to seethem through the day. This carefree attitude and reputation tendsto disarm bigger folk, making them vulnerable to more predatoryhalflings.
Not all halflings are contentwith honest work and the pastoral life. Some find they are skilledwith machines, their dextrous hands being able to manipulate tinypieces with easy. Others love the waters of the Green Strait andthe rivers that connect to it, so they live on houseboats tradinggoods along the shores. Then there are those that just have anatural need to see, hear, and do more. Many of these halflings endup in the nations of the big folk as artisans, sailors, andadventurers. Then there are those that get involved in less legaldealings.
Those same dextrous hands thatare great for building, are also great for picking pockets.Experienced sailors are just as welcome aboard a pirate ship as amerchant vessel and being an excellent cook is a bonus. The desireto explore new places can push some halflings into burglary as theywonder about what could possibly require so much protection. It'snot that they have been tricked into crime, they know that whatthey are doing is illegal, but sometimes the temptation of a goodstory is just too much.
Almost as much as food, halflingslove stories. When caravans arrive in town they are as welcome fortheir stories as they are for their business. Halfling have a veryorally oriented culture, they will talk about anything, and listento anyone. In fact, just about the only time they aren't chattingidly is when they are listening to someone else talk. Sometimesthis drives the big folk to annoyance, especially dwarves, buthalflings know to be quiet when its needed.
Halflings are generally around 3feet in height and 30 – 35 pounds in weight. They have builds thattend toward stocky, but lithe halflings are not overly unusual.They have curly hair which is usually worn short by both males andfemales. Their ears have a slight pointedness at the top. They aremost well known for not wearing footwear because it bothers theirhairy feet. This causes their feet to become very tough, andfootwear no longer becomes necessary. Like their feet the rest oftheir body tends to be very hairy, though this hair is less coarseand so clothes are not an issue. Many would describe their faces assoft and youthful, almost chubby.
Drakes have no particular culture of their own, as their naturesand appetites often demand solitude. When they do meet it is oftento settle disputes, peacefully or otherwise, or to mate. Thesesmall gatherings do spread tales of forebears as drakes proclaimtheir heritage to their potential rivals. Unfortunately this hascreated a sense of self-loathing that is rife in the population asthe accomplishments of their ancestors have been exaggerated withtime.
All a drake ever hears from other drakes is how much bettertheir ancestors, who were “true dragons,” were than themselves.This has built a feeling that they are invalids in comparison. Thisdrives many to act with undeserved confidence as they try to hidetheir insecurities, despite the fact that no one has seen proof ofa True Dragon in centuries.
Some drakes find work in the communities of the smaller species,often acting as guides, protectors, or brute force. They areafforded a sense of awe and fear by the smaller species due totheir size and the legends that surround True Dragons. Some takethis with humility, most do not.
All drakes are about three times the size of a horse being about12 feet long from snout to hindquarters, and often 8 feet across atthe chest. They can weigh up to two tons, though many are lighterand a few heavier. Most have great wings allowing them to soarthrough the air, and are barrel chested where their inner firebrews. Beyond these commonalities drakes vary greatly inappearance. Some are deep reds the colour of dried blood, whileothers are grey and look like stone. Many have flared crests atoptheir heads, though some have a smooth skull. Often these detailsdepend on where the drake makes its home.
As they can be found in most any part of the world, drakes haveadapted to a wide variety of habitats. Some are long and sinewy tobetter navigate the relatively narrow confines of forests andcities. Others are stocky with bumpy scales so that they can blendin among the boulders in the mountains. Most are somewhere inbetween, living wherever they can find safety.
Magic is gained through belief in the strength of one or more ofthe schools. Some casters get their power like using their hands tosip from a clear lake. The power is always there, and easy to get,but there is only so much one can take at a time. Other casters usemagic like using a water pump. The water gushes out most of thetime, but not always and it is also tiring to work the pump.
There are ten schools of magic and each has its own traits. Theschool of Fire is known for its power over Fire, Destruction, andStrength. The followers of this school also are often skilled inAthletics, Tactics, Ride, Craft, and they frequently wield a BattleAxe.
The school of Water is known for its power over Water, Deceit,and Curses. The followers of this school also are often skilled inBluff, Disguise, Haggle, Prestidigitation, and they frequentlywield a Blow gun.
The school of Air is known for its power over Air, Travel, andProtection. The followers of this school also are often skilled inRide, Survival, Athletics, Acrobatics, and they frequently wield aQuarter Staff.
The school of Earth is known for its power over Earth,Protection, and Secrets. The followers of this school also areoften skilled in Bluff, Craft, Sneak, Tactics, and they frequentlywield a Halberd.
The school of Metal is known for its power over Metal, Strength,and Fortune. The followers of this school also are often skilled inHaggle, Craft, Athletics, Search, and they frequently wield aFlail.
The school of Flesh is known for its power over Death, Life, andBeasts. The followers of this school also are often skilled inRide, Craft, Disguise, Blend, and they frequently wield aScourge.
The school of Nature is known for its power over Nature, Beasts,and Travel. The followers of this school also are often skilled inSurvival, Ride, Sneak, Athletics, and they frequently wield noweapons at all, instead relying on their bodies to defendthemselves.
The school of Light is known for its power over Light, Fortune,and Life. The followers of this school also are often skilled inSearch, Investigate, Acrobatics, Tactics, and they frequently wielda Mace.
The school of Darkness is known for its power over Darkness,Secrets, and Death. The followers of this school also are oftenskilled in Search, Investigate, Prestidigitation, Sneak, and theyfrequently wield a Dagger.
The school of Stars is known for its power over Magic, Curses,and Destruction. The followers of this school also are oftenskilled in Tactics, Sneak, Ride, and Haggle, and they frequentlywield a Longsword.
The world is a vast and varied place. It is full of wonders bothnatural and manufactured. Mountains that stretch from sea to sea. Awall made of flesh and bone that lives to defend its people.Clusters of islands with innumerable little villages. Much has beenfound, but there are still places yet to be explored.
The once great Homlish Empire has been pushed back to its roots.The empire is now contained in the original lands of Homlan,surrounded on all sides by natural barriers. The mightiest nationin known history once sprouted from this land, so perhaps it couldhappen again since its natural defenses and disciplined militarymake it hard to eradicate.
Unfortunately the nation has begun to stagnant due to itszealotry. The empire's belief in the power of humanity hasfermented into a distrust of anything inhuman. Magic and religionare outlawed entirely, the Homlish Inquisition hunting for itspractitioners. Non-humans are discriminated against receivingunfair trade, or being used as slaves. Some of them end up in thegladiator pits that many cities and towns have, fighting for theirlives. These draconian behaviours were implemented and reinforcedby the Legion and Inquisition.
The Legion is the only remaining might of the Homlish Empire.Though its navy is largely gone, and far fewer traders visitHomlan, its ground forces are still some of the best. Thelegionnaires are trained rigourously, building their strength,stamina, and discipline. Those that prove themselves are elevatedto the rank of praetorian, where they maintain discipline in theranks and act as seconds to centurions. Enforcing the rules of theLegion on their troops sometimes requires a blunt approach, and socenturions are known for being very physically capable. Apraetorian that has served well and has a mind for tactics can bepromoted to become a centurion. These soldiers are in charge oftroop formations, and often lead their men into battle.
The Homlish Inquisition is an organization that is given freereign to uphold two directives. The first is to ensure that thereis no dissent to the Emperor-General's rule. The second is toprepare other nations for conquering. The ranks of the Inquisitionare filled from all over Homlan and all walks of life because theDirectors of the Inquisition never know what skills will be needed.If the Inquisition approaches a person with a job offer, theyusually make sure that they cannot be refused.
The largest human city in the world is one of opulence andpower. This is the seat of the once great Homlish Empire and thatfact can be seen on every one of its streets. The city's lengthyhistory has made it so that every slum of the city was at somepoint the wealthy quarter. The crowded apartments of labourers arecontained within worn and faded senatorial mansions. Partiallycrumbled statues of long forgotten heroes stand over even thehumblest of communal spaces. However, this inherent wealth of thecity does not apply to the citizens.
Wealthy merchants, traders, land owners, and generals surroundthemselves with green spaces not found in the rest of the crowdedcity. They fill their homes with art, gold trim, and commissionedworks. Meanwhile the tradesmen and labourers get by with what theycan and are more often than not happy.
The most famous and opulent section of the city is theEmperor-General's quarter. Here Emperor-Generals, and to a lesserextent wealthy senators, have built expansive mansions to pleasethemselves. Some get torn down by one Emperor-General to build anew home, and his in turn is later destroyed.
Aside from the Emperor-General's quarter, the two most famousfeatures of the city are the Slaver's District and the fightingpits. The Slaver's District is a section of the city where slaversand slave owners bring their wares to auction off to thoseinterested. Slaves are brought from all over the world, and fromall species, which is often the only way that many residents seenon-humans. This works out well as a useful though unintentionalbit of subliminal propaganda for the pro-human establishment.
The sport of combat is extremely popular amongst the Homlans.It's a regular show of the power of human might and distracts themfrom the weakened state of their homeland. Most taverns have aspace reserved for combat in the same way that taverns in Terre DesSept have stages for musicians. Even small taverns will have acorner dedicated to fist fights. Some are more like gladiatorialarenas that also serve food and drink, with large sunken pits forbattles. Rarely are these battles lethal except in the case ofaccidents or specially organized fights.
The city is also a port and the former home of the Homlish Navy.Ships traveling in the Merchant's Sea would dock at Homlan tooffload cargo and take on supplies. Many such ships would bedelivering orc slaves from the Savage Plains. Now there is muchless trade entering Homlan, as the empire is on poor terms with theUCS, and is only just rebuilding its trade with Atfaal MinSaladin.
Republic Port
The city of Republic Port is the second largest in Homlan. Thecity imports and exports goods to all the nations along theSoldier's Sea. However, since the collapse of the empire there hasbeen much less trading. Instead the port has become the centre forbuilding the new Homlish Navy, since the lumber felled in the DarkPeninsula is much closer to the city than Homlan.
Miner's Road
This well traveled road traditionally saw much ore brought toRepublic Port from the mines in the Northern Homlish Mountains.Since the fall of the empire there is less demand for ore and moredemand for lumber. Since this began there have been many strangeattacks on the lumber transporters heading to Republic Port.
Dark Peninsula
The thick forest that covers this point of land has never beenproperly explored, even during the height of the Homlish Empire.It's said that the woods are haunted by many strange and foulbeasts. These stories originate from woodsmen who have gone intothem looking for lumber, but never returned.
Unfortunately with the mutiny of the Homlish Navy essentiallywiping out Homlan's naval power, there has been a strong call forlumber to build new ships. There have been a number ofdisappearances among the work crews felling trees on the edges ofthe woods. Most of these have been workers who were alone, and somany supervisors have implemented rules requiring them to staytogether in pairs at all times.
Northern HomlishMountains
These mountains are rich with ore and help to fuel the economyof Homlan. However, they also serve a couple very importantmilitary functions. The diversity of terrain in the area allows theLegion to train its recruits in forests, rolling hills, andmountains. This helps to build the stamina and discipline that thelegionnaires are known for. Additionally, the mountains block offHomlan from the Long Plains along a large section of its borders.Only in the most Northerly area of the mountains, where they becomeonly hills, is it practical to cross them. Knowing this, the Legionlong ago set up a small chain of fortresses in the mountains tokeep out the tribes of the Horse Lords.
Southern HomlishMountains
The mines in these mountains supply most of the ore that reachesHomlan. The mines are extremely old, and have been dug very deeplyinto the ground. Many older mines have been sealed from cave ins orafter they dried up. Occasionally forgotten mines are broken intoby the miners in newer mines.
Guardian Isles
The Guardian Isles are a chain of islands that surround theHomlan Gulf. Each one has a fortress located on it that defendsHomlan against enemy naval fleets. However, since the fall of theempire and the mutiny of the navy, the fortresses are in illrepair, and some are unmanned.
Stati UnitiCitta
The “nation” of Stati Uniti Citta (or United City States) is anagreed upon coalition of the islands that formerly made up theHomlish Empire's primary vassal state. While ruled by the Homlansthe islands were able to focus on their trades and as such becameextremely skilled artisans and inventors. They were also frequentlythe stops for merchants traveling between the Soldier's Sea and theMerchant's Sea which allowed the cities to make money for littleeffort through taxation and fees.
When the Homlish Navy mutinied because they went unpaid, manyship captains found their way into the pockets of wealthyindividuals from the islands. Years later, when the Homlish Empiresent a force to reconquer the islands the newly invented blackpowder weapons were used to great effect, despite their smallnumbers, and the invasion was repelled.
These new and effective weapons have begun to slowly spreadacross the world, but only the most skilled artisans are able toproperly craft the firearms and the black powder recipes used arewell guarded trade secrets. Only the scholars of Atfaal Min Saladinhave been able to reverse engineer the technology.
There are 4 city states in the islands: Nord, Centro, Gruppo,and Gigantesco. Although publicly each claims brotherhood with theothers, privately they wage “secret” war on each other andthemselves. Nobles from each will hire mercenaries to attack noblesfrom other cities, their own city, and often their own guild. Theislands are a hotbed of constant politics, espionage, andsubterfuge. The only thing they can agree on is their hate forHomlan.
Fortezza, while technically a subordinate state of Centro,survives independently of the other cities. It's able to do thisbecause many of the ship captains of the former Homlish Navy landedhere and conquered the native populace. The ships, sailors, andsoldiers that make their home here are mercenaries through andthrough. However, they also have a certain bizarre loyalty to theislands born of a combination of their love for the freedom theirhome gives them, and the money the cities will pay them in times ofdire need.
Quarto Isola
The island city of Quarto Isola is the fourthsmallest island in the chain that makes of the Stati Uniti Citta.Originally founded as a mining colony under Homlish rule thecommunity has since become a manufacturing hub. The city itself hasgrown to the point of covering most of the island. Now there islittle grazing land left and much of the population are fed fromfungal based foods grown in the older mines.
Many of the mineshafts dried up long ago and liesupposedly empty. However, there are some that are officially usedfor storage, and others that are used to grow the fungus whichfeeds the majority of Quarto's population. It's also said that someof the poorest people living on the island live in the forgottentunnels, surviving off the fungus and flooded depths.
The city is divided into seven districts titled Athrough G. A is the administration district where the island isofficially ruled from. B covers all of the mines, both active andabandoned. C is the residential district where the wealthiercitizens of the island live. D is specifically for the non-humanresidents of the island as some of Homlan's pro-human beliefs stillexist in the city's legal system. E is the ever dwindling farm landof the island, though the admins for the district are trying to getfungal farms rolled into their jurisdiction. F covers the harbourand the fisher folk who live on the island. Last but far from leastis the slowly growing G district which has control over thecraftspeople and their guilds. While officially district A runs thecity the reality is that district G's wealth buys just as muchpower as A legally controls.
Of legal note in the city are the Profit Syndicates(more colloquially known as gangs) and the weapons pass. The PS runthe city's interior occurrences. If it doesn't interfere with theisland's business with the outside world then A doesn't reallycare. Corruption is widespread amongst the island's administrationand law enforcement, though it's not unknown for the authorities tocome down hard on any PS that disrupts the island's cash flow.
Part of ensuring the cash flow, as A sees it, isthe weapons pass. Other than small blades, ostensibly for utilitypurposes, no weapons are permitted to be carried outside of thehome. “Weapons” were initially defined as “blades larger than fourinches in length” however a “stop and examine” clause was quicklyadded allowing law enforcement to detain any individual carrying a“suspicious” AND “potential” weapon. This in turn lead to theweapons pass, a small slip of vellum stating that the person listedon the note is permitted to carry weapons. With the island's roughand tumble reputation these passes are much sought after and oftenforged. However the passes are difficult to obtain and are solelygiven to those who have the political sway to acquire them,limiting them to the nobility and the military (but only officers).There are of course ways around this but those found owning aforged weapons pass or impersonating the rightful owner of aweapons pass are executed, which is to say nothing of the forgersgruesome fate. Those found carrying weapons are fined and theoffending object confiscated.
The small island of Tesseris Eksousies is an abnormality in thefact that it has never been conquered, nor has any nation laidclaim to it. This is in part to the mystery of the island and itsinhabitants, and in part to the skills of the inhabitantsthemselves. The people of the island are extremely isolationist.There is a single port that foreign ships are allowed to dock at,and only under the most dire of circumstances. The foreigners arenot permitted off their ships, and the punishment for leaving canbe as dire as execution. These laws help to maintain the strictcaste system that is enforced in the culture.
The nation has a strict caste system with the 4 schools of spellcasters (fire, water, earth, air) all being equal, whilenon-casters are completely subservient. Casters are not permittedto marry or mate outside of their caste, especially withnon-casters, though bastards are not unheard of. When a person isfound to have casting ability, no matter how young or old, they areimmediately forced into a spell casting academy that matches theelement they have shown power over.
Despite their isolationist policies, casters are allowed tofreely travel outside of the nation, and indeed much of theirculture's legends are based on travelers. These travelers encounterthe many “bizarre” creatures and cultures of the wider world, thenreturn to the paradise that is their homeland. Some of theterrifying beasts are recognizable to foreigners, such as wargs orgiant scorpions, but are given attributes they might not naturallyhave due to the exaggerated nature of legends. However, not all arenegative, and indeed many of these mythical creatures are worshipedby the Eksousiens for their perceived traits.
The capital city of Tesseris Eksousies and the only place whereforeigners are permitted, though they must remain on their shipsexcept under special considerations. The Council of Four rule theisland from this city, with the grand caster of each caste takingone of the 4 positions on the council. Non-casters are entirelyunrepresented except, occasionally by one of the other castes.
The land of Loisdin is a peaceful land that has remained largelyuntouched by war even when it was officially under the rule of theHomlish Empire. Part of this is that halflings are not war like bynature, and will most often accede to any invaders, giving them theresources they seek. Crops can be regrown, but a life cannot bereplaced. The other reason that Loisdin remains safe is its closerelationship with the ogres of Saoradh. Those that threaten thesmall folk are likely to get smashed by a half ton block ofmuscle.
The port town of Cathair is the largest in all of Loisdin.Although it's located in the halfling homeland, the small folk areactually a minority in the town. Most of its residents are sailorsand merchants passing through on their way to larger ports. If ahalfling needs something that their local smith can not craft, thisis where they go.
Halfling Hills
The hills that cover most of Loisdin are populated by themajority of the halfling population. They live in small farmingcommunities amongst the rolling hills. Their homes are made fromstone and thatch, or are built right into the hillsides.
Green Strait
The Green Strait separates Loisdin from the Flats. Its greenwaters are home to many fish which help support the local economy.Most of the villages that line the strait are populated byfishermen, but some will act as ferries for the right price.
This small region on the edge of the Flats is well known for itsforest, hills, and resident ogres. The region has long hadsignificance because of its easily defensible nature and containingthe only land bridge between Terre Des Sept and Homlan. This hascaused numerous skirmishes throughout the years as the HomlishEmpire sought to control the region, specifically the land bridge,while the ogre residents continually struck out at their occupiersfrom the unconquerable hills.
Once an outpost of the Homlish Empire, Tachd has become thelargest per capita grouping of ogres in the world. Tachd has alwaysbeen of strategic importance being located on the only land bridgebetween the Flats and the Long Plains. After the Homlans retreatedback across the plains, the ogres moved in. Now the town is run bya group of ogres and halflings who charge a toll for anyone wishingto use the land bridge. Those that try to sneak past are quitelikely to get caught by an ogre patrol and soundly thrashed.
For anyone looking to hire an ogre, this is the place to go.There are always ogres who have been struck by wanderlust and havecome down from the mountains seeking a profitable way out ofSaoradh. Most find work guarding caravans which can take themwherever they desire to go.
Ogre Hills
In the hills and mountains of Saoradh are the farms of theogres. They live in caves and simple hillside huts tending theirlivestock and crops. They have little to worry about because themountains are a difficult place to live and travel in for any notborn there, and even then few are foolish enough to harass an ogre,even ones that are just farmers.
Terre DesSept
The Land of the Seven is a large, fertile nation recently freedfrom the Homlish Empire. They are followers of the Seven Saints,heroes who helped bring freedom to Terre Des Sept and cultivatedits growth once it gained that freedom. The Seven Saints representthe virtues of love, justice, prosperity, peace, enjoyment,confidence, and respect. It's been noted that those who follow aspecific saint, can trace their lineage to a saint, or simply livein the saint's favoured province all have common traits.
Those who have a connection to the saint of love are known forphysical beauty, skillful sex, and dark hair and eyes. Rape istheir most severe crime and their motto is "Love as you will."Those who have a connection to the saint of justice are known forsternness, determination, woad tattoos, hard features, and theirmotto is "All deeds are justly rewarded." Those who have aconnection to the saint of prosperity are known for financialacumen, cunning, and their motto is "Everything is an opportunity."Those who have a connection to the saint of peace are known forpatience, agreeability, and their motto is "Life should not be aconstant struggle." Those who have a connection to the saint ofenjoyment are known for savouring everything, soft features,curiosity and their motto is "Make the mundane magical." Those whohave a connection to the saint of confidence are known for beingskilled, hard working, and their motto is "Make great all you do."Those who have a connection to the saint of respect are known forbeing friendly, negotiating, and their motto is "Every skillcontributes."
Heirs are matrilinear because only they guarantee royal blood.Thus eldest daughters are the heirs. This is mimicked by thepeasantry, creating a matriarchal society. The royal bloodline isdirectly descended from the union of the saints of confidence andjustice.
Despite the feats of the Seven, there are pagans that liveoutside of the main society, usually in secluded hills and valleys.They never had much contact with the Homlish Empire, so they don'tsee why the seven are so special. The old gods of the pagans arecreatures of Nature's Revolt. They roamed the land more freelybefore the spread of humanity.
The kingdom is split into seven regions each with one of theSeven as its patron. Though the saints united it, there are stillsmall regional skirmishes especially near unofficial borders.Recently the last of the Seven, Peace, has passed away, and manyare unsure if the nation will survive under the rule of the Queenwithout support from the Seven.
Saintborn are the descendents of the Seven Saints. The saintswere not chaste individuals (especially Love) and their children'schildren make up a sizeable portion of the population. The nobilityespecially have a high percentage of saintborn. The purestSaintblood can be found in the Royal line who were spawned from theunion of Justice and Confidence.
Often the Norse raiders cross this stretch of water in theirlongships to pillage the coastal villages. The Coast Guard's Roadwas built along its length to defend the peasants of the area.Unfortunately, this strait is also the only way to the North Seawithout sailing into the frigid waters North of Nordhem. Merchantships passing through the strait often hire escorts for fear of theNorse.
Zi You
The nation of Zi You was founded by escaped test subjects andassistants who had worked with and been worked on by the WarpedElves. After their slaves' revolt, they traveled until they found ahome in a sparsely populated land North of Badikhayat. They werelead there by three flesh mages who had been assistants to theWarped Elves. These mages and their followers eventually developedinto the Family of Blood, the Family of Sweat, and the Family ofTears. Blood focus their magics and efforts towards the art of war.They often create monstrosities, either by “stitching” togethercreatures and then manipulating their flesh, or by doing the sameto human volunteers. Volunteering to become such an abomination isconsidered a great honour, though some are pressured into doing soby their families. Sweat focuses their efforts on building andimproving society. They manipulate the flesh of livestock to bemore nutritious, while also improving the endurance and strength ofvolunteer workers. Tears focus their efforts on healing andrepairing damages done. Often they act as mediators and level headsfor the nation. Despite their unity against slavery and the WarpedElves, the nation is ruled by an oligarchy of the three Familieswith lots of political maneuvering amongst them.
Within the last 100 years, the high mages of each of the threehouses sacrificed themselves to create the Living Wall. They didthis to wall off their homeland's peninsula because they didn'twant to watch their people be re-enslaved by the undead thatdestroyed Gang Kou. They did this against the wishes of their houseleaders, who continued to squabble amongst themselves as the undeaddrew nearer. The wall they created is a living organism of unknownintelligence. It has teeth, mouths, arms, tendrils, eyes, ears, andis generally a wall of nightmare made flesh.
The land of Katei has a terrain that is quite varied for itssmall size. The North contains rugged hills and forests, while theSouthern half has another forest, but also an extensive swamp andplain. Being almost entirely surrounded by water, there are manyfishing villages on its coasts, however Katei is most well knownfor its nobility.
Nobles in Katei are obsessed with perceived honour. Familiesstructure their lives around preserving and improving face in frontof their peers. For the men this means becoming samurai, learningthe arts of war (horsemanship, archery, and sword play), andfollowing the orders of their superiors. Women's ability tomaintain their family's honour solely involves serving first theirparents, and then their husband.
There are a few men and women who instead of pursuing theirtraditional roles, become spell casters known as shugenja. Thesefew have the strength of belief necessary to wield magic; Earth,fire, water, air, and metal in the case of houses Kokuo, Tora,Ishigame, and Tatsu, while Houses Fukuro and Suneku shugenjas areknown as candle keepers for their use of the magics of light anddarkness. They are most often sent to their House's shugenjaacademy, though some families will refuse to send daughters as itis not their role.
Families and individuals that lose their honour will do theirbest to remedy the situation. For minor slights this may requirethe offender, or the head of the offender's family, to offerthemselves in duty to the person they offended. The offended partycan then request any single task of the person, including seppuku,but asking too much may cause an informal loss of face. For majorslights the same individual will very often commit seppukuvoluntarily or be ordered by their superior to do so.
For all houses, retaining the most face is of highestimportance, however, houses Fukuro and Suneku are known as the“Shinobi Houses” and are known to commit many dishonourable acts.They manage to get away with these acts because they ensure thattheir agents are deniable assets. If a shinobi house agent iscaught in an abhorrent act they are expected to commit suicidebefore they can be questioned, and their actions will be deniedvehemently by their superiors.
Katei is not a large nation and the divided houses frequentlybattle one another. Usually these are small clashes betweenindividual samurai or political maneuverings at court, butoccasionally larger battles occur. These larger battles can rangefrom small groups of samurai battling, to full war betweenhouses.
The capital of Katei is located on a river connecting to theNorth Sea. This is the only port where foreigners are permitted todock because of Katei's strict isolationist policies. The city alsoreceives many ships from within Katei itself and is the home of theKatein navy.
Being the capital of the nation, Shufu is the home of Katei'sdivine Emperor. He rules over both his house, House Kokuo, and allof Katei. His commands are carried out by his magistrates andclerks who are most often from within his own house. However, theEmperor is often a figurehead following the suggestions of hisadvisers. The advisers are chosen by the Emperor from any house ofKatei, unfortunately honour most often requires an Emperor toretain the advisers assigned by his father or regent.
This city, like all the other large cities of Katei, is namedfor its ruling house. House Tora is known for three things:training skilled cavalry, great skill at politics, and anastounding arrogance. The first two have made House Tora verypowerful in Katei through the many battles in the nation's past,and through political machinations during peace. The city isunofficially known as the secondary capital of Katei because inpast occasions where Shufu became unsafe for the Emperor, theImperial Court was temporarily moved to Tora at the suggestion ofToran advisers. Their standard is a black and orange tiger on abrown field.
House Tatsu has some of the most impressive libraries in theworld and this gives the house a much deserved reputation foracademia. Most of these are located in and around the city ofTatsu, most often in one of the several shugenja academies in thearea. These academies are what gives house Tatsu its other mostwell known skill, which is magic. While most houses have a singleshugenja academy, Tatsu has five, one for each element wielded bythe shugenja. These academies are so impressive that even the oddspell caster from Tesseris Eksousies has come to investigate them.Some wealthy families of other houses even send their spell castingscions to at least one of the shugenja academies, though very fewcan afford to attend all five elemental academies. However, Tatsufamilies may attend at a lower cost. Their standard is a gold oryellow dragon on a red field.
House Ishigame are uncouth, dirty, and ferocious... according tothe other houses. It is true that Ishigame cares little to nothingfor court politics. They are blunt and are not trained to keep alevel head, both of which make them awful courtiers for the mostpart. The reason for this is that their house was founded to defendall of Katei from invaders trying to cross the land bridge and thecreatures living in Bakemono Swamp. They spend their youth learningto survive in the swamp and training to fight on foot, as horsesare nearly useless in the muck. This task is often extremelydangerous, but the ranks defending the nation must remain strong.Thus House Ishigame has the most low born raised to samurai of anyhouse. Their standard is a black turtle on a green field.
House Sunkeu are known to be treacherous, cunning, and spiteful.They have some of the most skilled courtiers in their midst, andhave an arrogance that rival's House Tora's pride. Unlike Tora,however, they do not hold honour in such high regards. Of all thehouses, Suneku is the one most likely to commit an act worthy ofseppuku. Every other house knows this, and Suneku is aware of theirreputation. They like to show off their skill by making itblatantly obvious to any who care to look that they have donesomething despicable, but they do so in a way that makes the actunsuitable for reprisal. This method of operation is only possiblebecause of Suneku's multitude of skilled ninjas. While other housesmay have covert agents, only Suneku is rumoured to have a secretninja school hidden in the hills and valleys of their land. Many ofthese ninja are shadowspawn “created” by the candle keepers of thehouse, or bought from House Fukuro. Their standard is a black snakeon dark blue field.
Like House Tatsu, Fukuro are known for their skill with magic.However, Fukuro focus not on the five founding elements (as Tatsucalls them) but on the oppositional elements of light and darkness.Their belief is that without light there could be no shadow, andwithout darkness we would never know when we were in the light.Their most feared use of this magic is the summoning and control ofshadow beasts. These monsters appear as shadows in the shape ofgreat hunting felines with tentacles so dark no light reflects fromthem. As the various skills of candle keepers are much in demand,house Fukuro are known for being extremely mercenary in theirbehaviour. Their standard is a white owl on a black field.
The nation of Baikhayat is most famous for its eternal kings,slaves, and monuments. Although the nobility of the nation canpotentially live forever, this makes them all too aware of theirtrue mortality. Many commission grand projects that could takedecades to complete because they can see these projects through.However, just as many fail in their completion of such projects andthere are many half built ruins that have become forgotten.
These monuments are always built on the backs of slaves, andBadikhayat is the main place to buy slaves in the North, sometimeseven eclipsing Homlan's slave district. This puts them at odds withtheir Zi You neighbours, but since that nation has walled itselfoff, it is of little concern to the mummy kings. What is of greaterconcern are the undead North of the Grey Desert. Many fear that theundead will cross the desert without fear of dehydration andconquer Badikhayat. However, the quarreling nobles cannot unitelong enough to contemplate this problem.
The “Pure Land” is the original home of all elves. Now thosethat remain distinguish themselves from the outcasts by callingthemselves “High Elves.” The nation is largely covered by forestand is surrounded by the Inner Sea, North Sea, and Quiet Sea. Thishas made sailing very important to the nation, which has a powerfulnavy. The nation is ruled by the Oligarch CasariSuncrow who has ruled since before the time of the Warped Elves'exile.
The capital city of Mahndor is the centre of elven culture. Allother cities turn their eyes for examples of fashion, art, andmusic. The oldest buildings, which predate the Homlish Empire, arebeautiful structures, with spires stretching smoothly into the sky.Such grand gestures have long since passed into unpopularity amongthe elves and the newer buildings are all very simple, andpurposeful. Their beauty comes from the subtle details and theirfunction. Only the palace of the oligarch has the same sweepingpower of the ancient buildings, but the interior decorations favourthe discrete modern styles.
This port town is the home of Mahndor's Inner Sea navy. It isalso one of the largest ports on the Inner Sea. Both of thesequalities make Mahndor's Navy the most powerful on the Inner Sea,and one of the most power on the Outer Seas. However, for ships totravel from Cirost to Harmaost they must pass through Pain Lake andthe border of Lagartija Selva. Doing so puts them at great risk ofattack from the Cold Blooded.
This town lies on the edge of the Bone Dust desert and is oftenthe departing location for caravans traveling to and fromBadikhayat. It is the best place to stop for the supplies andguides necessary for crossing the unforgiving desert. The rarecreatures and plants that grow in the desert can also be found herefor sale.
The multitude of islands North of Mahndor are home to the exiledWarped Elves. The name of the region can translate to either“Death's Hope Isles” or “Hope's Death Isles.” On these scatteredlands the elven flesh mages, their followers, and their testsubjects eke out a hard living. There is no central government inthe islands with most settlements existing as farming communitiesthat surround a mage's or group of mages' laboratory. Thesesettlements are controlled by the flesh mages at the centre ofthem, though they rarely take any action regarding their followers.The mages generally stay in their laboratories except when theirexperiments and research are interrupted because of lack ofmaterials or outside interference.
This port city is the only settlement that resembles a town.Here is where the followers of the flesh mages barter withmerchants for resources that their masters require. Outsiders alsocome here to purchase the creations that the mages are willing tosell.
The jungles and swamps of Lagartija Selva are home to the coldblooded and many other fierce beasts. The cold blooded live intemple cities that are ruled by city kings. These kings are guidedby their priests who have the second most authority in the culture.Warriors have the next most authority. Since cold blooded neverknow their parents or children, the heir is selected by the currentking whenever he chooses. The selection may be anyone, thoughusually it is a priest or a warrior.
Cities are formed around temples, which always have asacrificial purpose. They worship the power of blood and flesh. Themagic contained within the living form that makes life possible.They make regular sacrifices of prisoners of war to show howpowerful they are, and to release the magic of life back into theland. The more impressive the sacrifice the more powerful it is. Indire times citizens, priests, and even royalty may besacrificed.
Their other sacred sites are where egg clutches aretraditionally and routinely placed. These sites are unmarked astradition dictates. By nature, their eggs are abandoned after beinglaid in a clutch. This has caused a state of constant skirmisheswith the elves of Mahndor. The battles are fought along the shoresof Pain Lake, the rivers connected to it, and the swampland aroundit. The elves want the land for development, while the cold bloodeduse the many locations in the swamp as birthing sites. The coldblooded fight by ambushing elven soldiers, and then disappearingback into the jungle.
The cold blooded typically adorn themselves with the skins andfeathers of the beasts in their homeland. The most skilled wear theskulls of the giant terror lizards as helmets. Such acts of braveryand skill form the basis of their art which revolves around thetales of their heroes carved in stone.
The land of the dwarves is a rugged one, covered with snowcapped mountains and green hills. The mountains are rich with oreand this gives the dwarves their livelihood, metalworking. However,there is much more to the dwarves as their passion and persistencefinds them in most every craft. Dwarven poets are said to be someof the most moving for the emotion that they give every word.
To the North lies Lagartija Selva and the Cold Blooded. Thedwarves care little for the saurians as they are not interested intrade other than blood. Occasionally though their mines can breakinto dwarven tunnels that lie like veins under the mountains andthis can lead to conflict. Generally the dwarves take a patientstance, eventually the invaders grow bored of the battle and seekexcitement elsewhere.
The capital of Eshimcubor is a massive fortified strongholdlocated underground. There are a few entrances to the above world,but all are secret and only known to the dwarves. The city is hometo the dwarven parliament which meets once a year to discuss theissues facing each dwarven hold. Each hold sends a singlerepresentative and may bring a single grievance to the gathering.The meeting is not adjourned until every grievance has beensettled. Often this takes days due to the stubborn and passionatenature of dwarves, and it is quite common for them to take theirmeals and naps in the parliamentary hall. Occasionally this leadsto drunken brawls during particularly heated debates, and soweapons are not permitted in the hall.
The only dwarven settlement primarily above ground and readilyavailable to non-dwarves. Here is where the hill dwarves trade withthe other races for what they need. Often other peoples comelooking to purchase dwarven metalworks, however, the amount of timeand effort that dwarves put into every craft makes them quiteexpensive. When combined with dwarves general distaste for others,the prices can be very steep.
Chaang BorOn
The land of the elephant people is a peninsula stretching off ofthe Savage Plains. The human nation is ruled over by a king who isselected through bloodline. The populace is well known for theirsymbiotic relationship with the elephants native to their land andthe Savage Plains. The great beasts fill the tales, history, andreligion of the people. This symbiosis stretches into every aspectof life; farming, transportation, and war. The elephant riders ofChaang Bor On are legendary among the militaries of the world forhaving held off the Homlish Legion at Sam-Lak. Despite this wellknown tale of history, those who have never before seen an elephantor mammoth often believe they are but fairy tales like giants,shadow beasts, and mermaids.
The capital of Chaang Bor On has many splendid buildings whichthe added might of trained elephants have helped to build. However,the port city is better known for its seedier side. Having fewaffiliations with other nations, Grung is often a centre of pirateactivity. The port thrives as stolen riches pass between hands.
Sam-Lak is a heavily militarized town. On the border of ChaangBor On it is strategically located at the bottle neck to the nationamongst the hills. It is the primary home of the elephant cavalrythat the nation calls on in times of need.
Atfaal MinSaladin
The nation of Atfaal Min Saladin was once the second oldestvassal state of the Homlish Empire. Throughout this relationshipthey managed to maintain their culture, though they lost theirreligion during the Inquisition's purge. To avoid the religiouspurges of the Homlish Empire, religious figures in the regiontransformed themselves into experts on the supernatural.Maintaining their culture had the side benefit of preserving agreat deal of knowledge, especially of the supernatural, that wouldhave otherwise been destroyed by the Homlish. Despite thispreservation of arcane knowledge they share the Homlish beliefhumans are superior to others. This is what causes the unusuallylow number of spell casters within the nation.
Even during the height of the Homlish Empire this nation hasalways been equally ruled by a queen and a king. These royalmembers can be husband and wife, father and daughter, brother andsister, queen and noble, etc. They can be any two people so long asone has royal blood, and they are a man and a woman. This is doneto get a balanced perspective on governance, and many times thecalm head of one ruler has prevented the rash actions of the other,while the initiative of one ruler has spurred the passive one toaction.
One such action that was not prevented by both rulers has leadto an ongoing feud between Atfaal Min Saladin and Terre Des Sept.One ruler believed that the Seven Saints were demons seeking todispose the righteousness of humanity after she was very badly andvery publicly embarrassed by the Saint of Love. This belief was notquelled by the other ruler who was afraid of his partner, and alsooccupied with the fallout of the Empire's collapse. This lead to acrusade against Terre Des Sept that cost Atfaal Min Saladingreatly. Not only did it deplete the nation's resources (which itis beginning to recoup), it also gave the nation a reputation ofzealotry which is in competition with its reputation of academiaset out by its namesake.
Long Plains
The Long Plains is, as the name suggests, a long proportionallynarrow area of plains that stretches from Atfaal Min Saladin in theSouth to Saoradh in the North. The area is claimed by the HomlishEmpire, and no other nation has formally declared sovereignty overthe land, but the empire's presence is minimal and those living inthe area must fend for themselves.
Horse Lords
The biggest threat to those living in the Long Plains are theHorse Lords. They are a nomadic people traveling throughout theplains in tribes ranging from the size of a couple families to thesize of an army. They follow the food across the plains, living incollapsible bone and hide huts. Unsurprisingly they are masters ofhorsemanship and quite possibly the best light cavalry in theworld. They quite often use these skills to take what they want andneed from other tribes and less nomadic people. Usually this isjust food, goods, and tools, but sometimes includes slaves as well.There are three main tribes on the plains: Hawk, Bison, andBear.
Hawk is the most feared as they answer to no one, and almostnever negotiate. They sweep into a region taking all they want, andselling anything they don't. When they approach a settlement theresidents are instantly on edge because even if they had peacefuldealings with Hawk previously, such as buying their stolen goodsand selling them supplies, there is no guarantee that they won'traid the town this time around.
Bison is the least feared as they are well known for theireconomic acumen. Unlike the other large tribes they understand theconcept of buying low and selling high. Their frequent travelsalong the plains make them the only trade that some of the smallsettlements receive. This causes many to forget that they aren'tsimply an extra large merchant's caravan, and many a bandit hasregretted attacking these horse lords.
Bear tribe consider themselves conquerors. They surroundsettlements that they come across and expect tribute. They ask onlyfor what the settlement can give, but if they suspect the town istrying to trick them, or if the town refuses to pay, they raid thevillage and take everything. Those that do pay receive anadditional boon: they are considered a protectorate of the Beartribe. This means that if there is trouble in or approaching thesettlement, such as Hawk tribesmen or a lack of people to bring inthe harvest, the townsfolk can send for aid to Bear. The horselords are then obligated by their customs to send an appropriateresponse force.
This city is the largest settlement in the Long Plains, layingon the borders of the Homlish Empire and Atfaal Min Saladin, butindependent of both. The city is a very cosmopolitan one as itsposition on a major crossroads brings in peoples from all over theworld. While the population is largely human, those humans comefrom many different nations, and there is no small amount of anyrace, even drakes and saurians. The trade of the city isfacilitated not only by its crossroad location, but also because itis located on the Orc Head River which connects to the Inner Sea,bringing trade across the water from far off nations likeBadikhayat and Mahndor.
The city is ruled by a council made up of various businessleaders in the community and a governor selected by the council.The council includes the captain of the town guard, the head of thecity bank, the port master, the chair of the tradesmen guild, thechair of the mage's guild, and the chair of the “locksmiths'”guild. The city's governor is chosen by the council from any of thelocal landholders. The current mayor, Elan Ofhomlan, is a surpriseto all as he was elected through voter division and a pair ofthrowaway votes. He is surprising many by being at the least acompetent governor.
Crooked TreeCrossroads
This crossroads is a familiar but bizarre sight for many. Allthe trees near it are bent towards the North. Some speculate thatthe small lake to the South may have something to do with thisphenomenon.
Tree's TeethMountains
This mountain range is incredibly dense and nigh impenetrable.With thick forests and rugged mountains, no roads pass throughthem. However, they are home to the Hillfolk whose homenecessitates that they be skilled hunters and trackers. They keepto their mountains, living in stone and thatch cottages, andworship the natural and supernatural that surround them. Outsiderswho try to pass through or into their lands often find themselvesambushed and harried by the Hillfolk who are distrustful. Stealingfrom outsiders is their only source of iron and steel, and theyhave a very primitive level of manufacturing.
Cirque DuSoldat
A common sight on the Long Plains are the brightly colouredpatchwork tents of the Cirque Du Soldat. This circus travels aroundthe plains, and occasionally farther, performing for the residentsnear their current stop. However, they also perform odd jobs thatthe residents pay them for. These can range from assisting withbuilding a house, to robbing a house, to eliminating a gang ofrobbers. The circus was founded by deserters and losers from manydifferent armies, so when they come to town a wide variety ofskills are brought with them. Not all of those skills areconstructive, but they are almost always used at least once onevery stop.
The Flats
The Flats are a large expanse of flatlands stretching fromLoisdin to the North Sea. The southern area is a vast savannahcalled the Drylands, while the northern section are plains known asthe Freefields. The area is best known for its residents, thenomadic Plains Runners.
Plains Runners
The people of the plains are comprised of numerous huntergatherer tribes. They travel on foot following food sources as theseasons change. However, they often form temporary villages ofhuts, and it is not uncommon to find empty villages that will fillwhen the next tribe moves in. They are governed by village elders,and have no larger social structure. This is because they do notbelieve in nationwide policies and alliances. A village elder canknow the feelings of all the people they represent, but a monarchcannot.
Most disputes within and between tribes are solved throughpeaceful discussion. Sometimes though a fight breaks out or anagreement cannot be reached. In these cases ceremonial battles arefought by champions representing the involved parties. Thesebattles are decided by fights to the yield between villagechampions and are usually fought with spears, javelins, andshields.
Their legends and spiritual beliefs are centred around thepowers of the plants and animals of their homeland. Those that knowthe stories and can call upon the power of the spirits are known asgrass speakers. One of the oldest stories they tell is of how theplains peoples came to the Flats. It is said that they migrated tothe Flats to escape from a ruler that had conquered their homeland.Rather than bow down to him, or die resisting, they fled and didn'tstop until they found a new home much like their old one.
As their name implies, the Drylands have little water. This hugesavannah is home to many magnificent and unusual animals. Theplains tribes live here in the wet season to avoid the killing coldthat is found in the Freefields to the North. At this time of theyear the tribes do most of their trading and negotiating withmerchants and neighbouring nations.
The Freefields are the wetter, colder section of the Flats.During the summer season the tribes of the plains follow themigrating animals here, out of the Drylands. It is during thesetimes that the plains people are most isolated from other culturesas few are willing to cross the savannah during the hottest time ofthe year.
The MeetingPlace
This land mark can be seen from miles away. Twelve 50 footmenhir stand in a circle atop what is said to be the only hill inthe Flats. Ancient torch sconces have been carved into stones andwhen lit they bring light to the surrounding area and the gatheringwithin. The hill contains an amphitheater that is worn with the useof ages. While primarily used by the Plains Runners to holdgatherings of the tribes, it has also seen use by many other othergroups including a meeting between the Homlish Empire and thetribes, and even a Norse Thing was held at the site.
This fertile area of land is believed to be empty of sentientlife. Formerly a section of Zi You, the problem began roughly 100years ago when reports of walking corpses and skeletons traveled tothe the nearby towns with traders. Those in the larger cities ofthe area were not especially concerned because the flesh mages ofZi You often produced zombies to aid in manual labour, and themummies of Badikhayat could potentially be mistaken forskeletons.
Then there came reports of empty villages that showed signs ofstruggle. Some of them had makeshift barricades as though they knewsomething was coming. The 4 Houses of Zi You sent out magistratesand soldiers in search of the bandits, most likely robber elves,who had wiped out the towns. The magistrates either did not returnor found nothing.
The truth of the crisis became known when Gang Kou was suddenlyset upon by an army of the undead. In a single day of bloodshed anddesperate fighting the city was overrun and the populaceslaughtered or scattered. From these few survivors word reachedShou Du and Ahlan, from there the tale changed and spread acrossthe rest of the world.
Now the region is an empty spread of bountiful land dotted byempty villages and walking dead. Only the most desperate passthrough the region hoping to reach the Living Wall and gainentrance to Zi You. However, many are turned away with the wallguards being the last to see them alive.
Ruins of GangKou
This once thriving port city is now nothing but burnt ruins.There are no first hand accounts of the current state of the site,but sailors foolhardy enough to go near on their way to Ahlan haveclaimed to see shapes moving amongst the rubble. What is known forsure, is that on many nights strange shadows, that are so dark asto absorb light, can be seen emanating from the dead city.
Grey Desert
This desert marked the traditional border between Badikhayat andZi You. After the exodus of the region, few venture across thesands. Those who do enter the Grey desert walk its ash colouredsands looking to capture the giant scorpions that are native to thearea. While difficult train, they make excellent war beasts andmany are bought by adventurers, mercenaries, generals, andgladiatorial arenas.
For more than a thousand years the Savage Plains were under thecontrol of the Homlish Empire. However, in all that time there wasnever a concerted effort to civilize the region. Instead theHomlish simply hoped that their presence would help to show theorcs what was possible when they were willing to lift themselvesout of the dirt. The constant enslavement of orcs and their forcedreeducation was just another step in that direction.
When the empire began to crumble, the Savage Plains was thefirst region abandoned. Most of the legionnaires were pulled out tobe moved to areas that were more important to hold. While theregion has never declared its independence and the empire has neverofficially given up its claim, it is apparent to any sensibleperson that the region is no longer part of the Homlish Empire.
This mining town was the hub of business for the Savage Plainsfor hundreds of years. Great slave auction houses were built thatoften rivaled the ones in Homlan. The city expanded with the coinbrought in by slave and ore traders.
With the independence of Atfaal Min Saladin, formerly AadeemBadiya, the Savage Plains became cut off from the rest of theHomlish Empire. Most of the legionnaires stationed in Endeavourwere called back to secure Homlan. As the flow of slave and oretraders dried up, suddenly the garrison found themselves severelyoutnumbered by the oppressed peoples.
All the slaves were set free, though slavery was not formallyoutlawed. Many of the orcs and goblins left the mostly empty city,though some stayed to continue working their former slave positionsfor pay. This has allowed the garrison leader, centurion BlakeSmithson, to remain in control of the town, though he mustcontinually broker deals between the merchants, traders, andworkers to keep the town running.
The ruins here are at least as old as the Homlish Empire, andthere is evidence that they were built upon even older ruins. Beinglocated on a raised plateau of rock in the middle of a desert makesthe ruins quite defensible if one has enough water. Despite thisadvantage, orc tribes give the ruins and the desert that containsit a wide berth. Even bandits are loath to enter them because ofthe rumours that they are haunted.
Bloody Canyon
The stone of this canyon has a reddish orange tinge to it, whichlends to the name. However, most believe that it is called suchbecause of all the corpses that lined the bottom when the HomlishLegion arrived at the Savage Plains to tame the orcs. If theybothered to ask why there were so many corpses, the orcs would havetold them that there was a great battle where the united orc tribesforced hundreds of undead over the canyon cliffs to destroythem.
Hero Woods
These woods are named as such because they have a long historyof harboring guerrilla warriors. Orc legends say that they wereused by resistance fighters against the Warlord of old, and againstthe Necromancer that forced the orcs from the plains. HomlishEmpire records also show that the forest was avoided by the Legionbecause of frequent ambushes from goblins and orcs.
Frontier Road
This road, like so many, was laid by the Homlish Empire. It wasbuilt to better facilitate the transportation of slaves and orefrom the Savage Plains back towards Homlan. Once Aadeem Badiyadeclared its independence this road fell into disuse, and has notbeen maintained well.
Dwarf Road
The road that leads from Endeavour to Nish serves primarily as ameans to transport ore and tools between the towns. Many farmersbring their crops to the dwarves who will often pay a higher pricefor them than the local humans, orcs, and goblins. In returnfarmers are able to buy tools of superior quality from the dwarvenforges.
This island is as cold and unforgiving as the god of the Norsepeoples. Covered in snow and ice for most of the year, those thatlive here eke out a meager existence. They survive on subsistencefarming which is tended by the women and slaves. These settlementsare each ruled by a thane who inherited his role from his father.When a decision is made that affects a great number of thesettlements, then a Thing is held where every freeman is allowed tocast a vote on the matter.
Meanwhile the fighting men take their longships across theRaider's Strait to pillage the villages along the coasts of TerreDes Sept. Sometimes they go further a field, attacking merchantships in the Soldier's Sea and the North Sea. It has even been saidthat they occasionally reach Chaang Bor On. They steal whateverthey can get their hands on whether coin, tools, or people. Theykeep what they need, and sell what they don't at North Port.
In battle they are incredibly fearsome, having trained sincechildhood and raised on tales of glorious combat. Most frequentlythey fight with shield and sword or axe, while wearing leatherarmour or mail stolen in raids. Most terrifying of the Norsewarriors are the berserkers who enter a battle fury that makes themimpossible to kill. While in this rage they kill whatever foe theysee, and have even been known to catch people fleeing onhorseback.
The Norse worship two gods Father Cold and Mother Storm. Heteaches that only the strong survive the cold dispassion of winter,and she teaches that only the clever survive the tumultuous rage ofstorms. Only Father Cold has dedicated priests known as coldhandswho call upon his blessings with their frost blackened hands.Mother Storm has no need for clergy because every sailor says aprayer to her, including non-Norse seamen that are familiar withher wrath.
North Port
Like many ports this is a town that is rough around the edges toput it lightly. It is the primary port for pirates of the Soldier'sSea and North Sea. Many less than pleasant things can be boughthere including poisons, slaves, and rare ingredients. However,there are also legitimate businesses here as well that cater toships and sailors who are not welcome in nearby Terre Des Sept.
Father Cold'sForest
The massive forest that covers roughly half of Nordhem is poorlyexplored. Most Norse stay near the coasts, only venturing to thewood to gather timber to build ships. Only the coldhands and theirinitiates enter the forest's depths.
Character Options
Human = no human species feats
Saintborn = Angelic Heritage species feat
Shadowspawn = Elemental Heritage (Darkness) species feat
Dragonman = Draconic Heritage species feat
High Elf = no elven species feats
Robber Elf = Hart Nation species feat
Innocent Elf = Wolf Nation species feat
Warped Elf = Spider Nation species feat
Goblins = Any or no goblin species feats
Mountain Dwarf = no dwarf species feats
Hill Dwarf = Hill Born species feat
Lizard-Folk = no Saurian species feats
Geck = Jungle Clutch species feat
Gator = River Clutch species feat
Drakeblood = Draconic Heritage species feat
Mummy = Unborn with Flesh Construction species feat
Guardian = Unborn with Granite Construction species feat
Orc = Any or no Orc species feats
Rootwalkers = Any or no Rootwalker species feats
Ogres = No ogre species feats
Ohni = Fire Brave species feat
Halfling = Farstride Folk, Cool River Folk, Quick Finger Folk,or no pech species feats
Drake = Any or no Drake Species Feats